Course: “How to Stop People Pleasing”

Are you feeling anxious, stressed out, and exhausted from the relationships in your life?

You may be a People Pleaser!

If you’re ready to find your voice, discover your confidence, and step into your power - grab my “How to Stop People Pleasing” Course now!


  • You feel guilty or anxious when you say no or deny people

  • You're constantly over-scheduled and maxed out; you feel like you never have any time for yourself!

  • You struggle to identify your wants and needs

  • You feel responsible for other peoples' emotions and well-being

  • You chameleon and mimic whichever people you happen to be around

  • When you perceive you've been wronged, you become passive-aggressive

  • You silence your truth if you think it's going to cause discomfort for others

  • When someone tells you no or doesn't immediately meet your needs, it feels like rejection

  • You constantly worry that people you care about will lose interest or leave


  • An understanding of people pleasing, where it comes from, and the function it serves

  • Increased awareness of your own people pleasing patterns, how they negatively impact your relationships, and how you can disrupt these patterns

  • My Top 5 Tips for how to reduce people pleasing - tangble skills you can start using immediately to reduce your people pleasing behaviors

  • My popular 20-page "How to Stop People Pleasing" Guide - normally a $15 value, included for free! Plus additional boundary setting worksheets to help maximize your learning and reflection

  • And most importantly - feeling more confident and clear on your needs, how to say no, and how to put yourself first

  • and feeling less anxious when it comes to the important relationships in your life!

So what are you waiting for? Start improving your relationships today!

Hi, I’m Erica

I'm a licensed therapist, business owner, dog mom - and recovering people pleaser.

I know firsthand what it feels like to be anxious, exhausted, and burnt out from working SO hard all the time to make sure that everyone else is ok. Through my own years of therapy, extensive research and practical application, and an advanced degree and training in the field of mental health... I now know what it feels like to embrace my true self, speak my truth, and engage authentically - even if my voice shakes and people are disappointed or unhappy. So if you're interested in deepening your relationship with yourself and the people you care about - check out my course now to learn my top tips for how to reduce people pleasing and start applying them today!